Why Your Child May Thrive at a Private School in the Yonge and Eglinton Area

Why Your Child May Thrive at a Private School in the Yonge and Eglinton Area

Private Schools Near Yonge and Eglinton 

If your child is doing well in the public system, you may have no reason to consider private school. But there are several situations where private school may be exactly the right choice for your child and your whole family. These can include:



  • Culture. At some schools, peers may consider it "uncool” to excel at academics. If your child usually excels at academics but begins to lose ground, it could be because he/she finds herself in a culture like this. It may be time to move your child to a private school. Better Toronto private schools cultivate a culture of academic excellence. Older students can be role models and mentors for younger ones, and academic achievements are celebrated rather than denigrated. Help your child to maximize his/her potential by providing them with a school culture that helps them to succeed.
  • Excellence. Conversely, if your child is excelling, you may wish to give them the opportunity to graduate from a great private school. Prep schools offer many courses designed for the university-bound student, and help to prepare your child for the transition to post-secondary education. Private school guidance counsellors can help to provide students with direction as they choose career paths, and smaller classes mean that teachers can give students more individual attendance. Private and prep schools also cultivate the leadership qualities of their top students.
  • Values. You may wish to find a private school that can reinforce your family's values or principles. This can mean finding a school that provides religion-based instruction, a French language school, or a philosophically based education system such as a Waldorf school.
  • Stability and Academic Support. You may have a child who craves stability or needs extra help. In this case, starting him as early as possible in a private school can help him settle into school life. Private schools are smaller than public schools, and faculty is more stable. Students are known by name by most or all staff. Some Toronto private schools begin at the kindergarten level and continue on until graduation from Grade 12, requiring only minor transitions from elementary to junior high to high school. This provides great stability for your child, and provides a great sense of belonging. In addition, most private schools have excellent educational supports in place to help students who face learning challenges.


Why Private School?


Perhaps you have never considered enrolling your child in a private school. Many parents choose public school over private school, assuming that the education their child receives will be equivalent. It's true that the Canadian public school system ranks high compared to other countries, but even ardent supporters of the public system admit that Toronto public schools face many challenges. Budget cutbacks have led to fewer teachers and larger class sizes, fewer support staff, the cancelling of some programs, and facilities may require upgrading. Many schools face overcrowding, or have large numbers of students that require ESL instruction. Some high schools have many students with behavioral or drug abuse issues, and dealing with these can take up valuable teaching time.


If you are looking for the best possible place for your child to reach his/her potential, explore the many advantages of Toronto private schools.
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